Tatsuki, Shigeo, Ph.D. (University of Toronto)
Professor, Department of Sociology, Doshisha University Senior Research Scientist, Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution, Hyogo, Japan
? April 1986 - March, 2001, Lecturer, Associate Professor,
Professor School of Sociology, Kwansei Gakuin University ?
April, 2001-Present, Professor Department of Sociology,
Doshisha University ? April, 2002-March, 2005, Visiting
Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto
University ? April, 2002-Present, Senior Research Scientist,
Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution, Hyogo,
Japan. Major fields of interests ? Family studies, School
stress, Ego identity development, Codependence, &
Familial Influence on Abstinence. ? the impact of the Kobe
earthquake and the emergence of civic-mindedness in postwar
Japanese society ? Post-disaster volunteer management,
Interlinking government and NPO activities, Disaster
recovery assistance, Stress care management and other
preventative measures against Post-traumatic Stress
Disorder. Psychometric scale development, Dual scaling
(correspondence) analysis Professional activities ? director
of a groupwork project for mothers of school refusal
children at Kobe Child Guidance Clinic from 1987 to 2000 ?
director of Human Service Course, Kobe City Social Welfare
College from 1994 to 2003 ? organizer of the Kwansei Gakuin
Relief Volunteer Center after the 1995 Kobe earthquake ?
member of Hyogo Forum for Advocating Individual Recovery
(Hyogo FAIR) from 1997 to 2005 ? senior research scientist,
Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution, Hyogo,
Japan. ? Governor's Award for distinguished service (1995
Kobe Earthquake Disaster Recovery) in May, 2005
Marie-Paule Jungblut
Deputy Director, Musee d’Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg
Historian, studies (History, German philology, Psychology)
at the universities of Gottingen and Florence (EUI); Curator
at the Luxembourg City History Museum since 1992; deputy
director of the Luxembourg City History Museum since 2009;
external curator of the European Museum Schengen (opening 13
June 2010); external curator of the exhibition "25th
anniversary of the Schengen agreement", Luxembourg Pavilion,
Shanghai World Fair 2010; President of the International
Committee for Museums and Collections of Archaeology an
History (ICMAH) since 2004.
Hawaii Tsunami Disaster: 1946, 1960
"We believe that through education and awareness no one in Hawaii should ever again die due to a tsunami." This mission of the Pacific Tsunami Museum is best accomplished through the survivor stories that are incorporated in the interactive exhibits and docent presentations. The Pacific Tsunami Museum is a focal point for all things tsunami; and a wonderful example of a homegrown museum.
Donna W. Saiki
Executive Director, The Pacific Tsunami Museum
A retired educator, Donna Saiki serves as a volunteer
executive director for the Pacific Tsunami Museum. She has
lived in Hawaii since 1960 serving as a school administrator
for thirty four years. She has been recognized for her
service to education, community and church and has an
excellent working relationship within the multi-cultural
community of Hilo.
Ansei Nankai Earthquake Tsunami: 1854
What did Goryo Hamaguchi do in the Ansei Nankai Earthquake? And, why did he build levees immediately thereafter? What can we learn from that? Japan is constantly threatened by Tokai, Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes. People living near the coast are not the only ones hit by tsunamis. I would like everyone to enhance their awareness of tsunami disasters by touring the Inamura-no-Hi no Yakata.
Atsushi Maruyama
Director, Inamura-no-Hi no Yakata (The House of the Fire
of Rice-Straw Piles)
(until 31 March 2010)
Atsushi Maruyama was born in Shimane Prefecture in 1944. He
currently lives right in the middle of tsunami danger zone,
but has never experienced one. He explains about Goryo
Hamaguchi to visitors and has gained the appreciation of
of the Facility (The House of the Fire of Rice-Straw
Hokkaido Earthquake Tsunami: 1993 Okurishi Tsunami
I have been a part of activities to record what the people saw of the devastation and how people reacted following the eruption of Mt. Unzen-Fugen, pass down the facts that only those who were there know, and work with residents from Miyake Island and Mt. Usu to share their experiences with disaster. Now that almost 20 years have passed since the Mt. Unzen-Fugen eruption, I recount experiences and lessons learned there to children who know nothing of this event at schools, as well as to visitors on school trips to the Mt. Unzen-Fugen Disaster Memorial Hall.
Akira Takeda
Director, General Affairs Division, Okushiri-Town, Hokkaido
I am Akira Takeda and I work at the Okushiri Town Hall.
Okushiri was hit in July 1993 by a tsunami that was
generated by the Hokkaido Nansei Oki Earthquake. I was
involved for seven years after that in planning and
rebuilding our town. I, too, lost my home and my family of
six and a dog were forced to live in temporary housing for
three years. Seventeen years have passed since that
disaster, and I am here to take part in Session 4 "Telling
Live Lessons and Museums"..
Indian Ocean Tsunami: 2004
The International Tsunami Museum in Khao Lak, Thailand was established in the wake of the Indian Ocean Tsunami. The museum promotes awareness about tsunamis, tsunami preparedness, and the world response following the Indian Ocean Tsunami. Exhibits help people understand the event that changed so many lives by showing (a) how the tsunami formed and affected the environment; (b) how businesses and individuals around the world provided aid; (c) warning signs of a tsunami (d) how to evacuate; and (d) the Indian Ocean tsunami warning system. Exhibits also show hope, resilience, and the human spirit. Dr. David Sattler (Professor of Psychology, Western Washington University) established the museum, and he and his students' created the exhibits. Exhibits are in English and Thai. The museum received very positive reviews. Thailand's Phuket Gazette newspaper wrote, "In a subtle and ethical way, visitors are introduced to the tragic events of the December 26, 2004 tsunami." Schools bring children to the museum for class projects about tsunamis.
David N. Sattler
International Tsunami Museum
Dr. David N. Sattler, Ph.D. is a disaster researcher and
Professor of Psychology at Western Washington University. He
is Associate Editor of Natural Hazards Review, served on the
Editorial Board of the Journal of Traumatic Stress, and is a
member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Innovative Technologies Institute Standards Committee to
develop a Risk Analysis Standard for Natural and Man-Made
Hazards to Higher Education Institutions. Dr. Sattler
travels the world to examine psychological distress, coping,
and resiliency following disasters, and ways to increase
preparedness and improve intervention and recovery programs.
He conducted many projects examining responses to the Indian
Ocean Tsunami and created the International Tsunami Museum
in Khao Lak, Thailand. He produced an educational video in
Thai ("Learning about Tsunamis with Jai the Elephant") to
teach school children about tsunami threats and distributes
it to schools along the coast at no cost. He conducted
projects in Yogyakarta, Indonesia to examine the effects of
repeated exposure to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and
projects in El Salvador and India to examine responses to
earthquakes. He conducted one of the first multi-national
disaster studies in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, U.
S. Virgin Islands, and the Gulf Coast of the United States
following Hurricane Georges.
Khao Lak
International Tsunami Museum
Office (Western
Washington University)
Indian Ocean Tsunami: 2004
Indonesia's Aceh coastal areas were badly hit by a devastating undersea earthquake registering 8.9 on the Richter scale. As many as 3000 villages and urban communities have been destroyed or badly damaged with a greater number of dead, wounded and dislocated people than all other regions and countries. This has become the most lethal natural disaster in the history of humanity and modern times. As a consequence, unprecedented devastation has resulted in unprecedented global response and sympathy in assisting the impacted people. Many global lessons learnt have been adopted and followed up to build Aceh back better. These knowledge-based lessons should be maintained, stored and explored as important lessons learnt of future generations at museums or research centers. Aceh Tsunami Museum as a symbol of strength and resilience of the people of Aceh during the disaster and an international Tsunami research centre, will be an important medium for remembering and conveying the stories of survivals in the forms of museum facilities, oral story-telling, films, images, artifacts, music, cultural events, monuments and or artistic works. Such activities substantiate and communicate local histories and experiences; deepening our understanding of the bonds between ourselves and the meaning of the co-existence with nature, and reminding us of the importance of life. Sharing such stories also increases our awareness of protecting the environment, while strengthening reconstruction efforts and generating a sense of solidarity. Preserving and disseminating real live stories and lessons from the experiences of disasters is an invaluable activity for larger society. Unfortunately, Aceh Tsunami Museum does not role as a means of education and reconstruction in preserving and disseminating the real live stories and lessons from the experiences of disaster responses. A strong commitment of both governments and global community is critical in order to unite these people and to facilitate mutual learning as an open source of the knowledge-base information and scientific approaches through a solid credible museum management.
Director, Aceh Tourism Promotion, Marketing Department, Aceh Tourism and Culture Agency
Mr. Rahmadhani is a government officer of Indonesia’s Aceh
Province and in charge as a Director of Aceh Tourism
Promotion, Marketing Department of Aceh Culture and Tourism
Agency. He was an AusAid Postgraduate student (Master of
Business) specializing in tourism management. He is active
in many tourism related activities in Aceh and overseas and
attending many seminars/workshops/trainings either as a
speaker or participant in Aceh, Indonesia or overseas. He
hasa strong motivation and commitment that Aceh Tsunami
Museum should be a means of education and reconstruction in
preserving and disseminating the real live stories and
lessons from the experiences of disaster responses for
larger society. Positive Long-term Impact of Aceh's
devastating Tsunami Catastrophe in creating Potential
Tourism Attraction: Museum Tsunami as the Icon of Aceh
Tsunami Tourism.
Flood of 1953
Indian Ocean Flood: 2004
Ria Geluk
Coordinator, Watersnoodmuseum
Ria Geluk was born and had grown up on a farm, which was
heavily damaged in the flood of 1953. She and her family
could not live at home for nearly 3 years. She studied at
the Sciale Academie (community organization) in Amsterdam
and worked in different places in the Netherlands. She
returned to her home place in 1980 and had different
activities. She was co-founder of the Watersnoodmuseum in
Ouwerkerk (Flood 1953), that opened in 2001. For 6 years she
had been chairman, the last years she was working as
project-leader/coordinator for the extension of the museum.
The extension of the museum with the theme Water (past,
today and future) was finished in April 2009.
Hurricane Katrina, New Olreans, 2005
This presentation will focus on the exhibition Living with Hurricanes: Katrina and Beyond, scheduled to open at the Louisiana State Museum in New Orleans in October 2010. It will tell dramatic stories of chaos and destruction that accompanied Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005; place the storms in the context of past floods and hurricanes in Louisiana; explain the reasons? both natural and anthropogenic?behind the disaster; and explore ways for New Orleans and Louisiana to face the future. The exhibition uses Hurricane Katrina as a “teachable moment”?a way to examine failed engineering, emergency planning, and environmental practices as well as an opportunity to highlight the immense efforts on the part of ordinary citizens, scientific experts, and others to ensure that people around the world are able to learn from these failures and plan for a safer future. The Museum aims for visitors to take an active part in understanding hurricanes and floods and preparing for them. The exhibit will also ask visitors to consider what disaster preparedness means nationally and globally. To enhance and expand the exhibition experience, the Museum is collaborating with the Office of Marine Programs, University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, which is producing a comprehensive, content-rich, multidisciplinary educational web site, Hurricanes: Science and Society. Tailored for K-12 and university educators and students but also accessible to the general public, the site will enhance understanding of current scientific and technological advances and help visitors make good decisions prior to and during a hurricane emergency.
Karen T. Leathem
Museum Historian, Louisiana State Museum
Karen Leathem, Ph.D., is a historian at the Louisiana State
Museum. She is the lead historian for the upcoming
exhibition Living with Hurricanes: Katrina and Beyond and
has helped develop a number of exhibitions on Louisiana
history and culture. Her recent publications include essays
in New Orleans Cuisine: Fourteen Signature Dishes and Their
Histories (University Press of Mississippi, 2009) and
Louisiana Women: Their Lives and Times (University of
Georgia Press, 2009).
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2nd Day:
Reports and Discussions