DRA Forum 2005 (Jan 18,2005)
To actively transfer live lessons learned from the experiences of disasters and to provide an opportunity of our thoughts about world peace and int’l disaster reduction cooperation activities, JICA and DRA co-organized “Peace-Talk Marathon in Hyogo .with- Disaster Reduction Forum 2005” as an opening event for the Comprehensive Forum for the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
DRA Forum 2005 Outline
DRA Forum 2004 (Feb 8,2004)
The Disaster Reduction Alliance (DRA) and the Hyogo Prefectural Government held the Disaster Reduction Forum 2004, with the theme of “Transfer Live Lessons of Catastrophic Disasters” in February in Kobe. The participants of the forum and the DRA member organizations jointly summarized the result of this forum as “Chairman’s Summary of the Disaster Reduction Forum 2004”, to recommend International community the importance and the effectiveness of transferring live lesson.
"Transfer Live Lessons ofCatastrophic Disasters" Proposal to the WCDR from the chairman's summary of Disaster Reduction Forum 2004