1. Name
The Network is known as "International Transfer Live Lessons Network," and will be hereafter referred to as "TeLL-Net."
2. Mission
TeLL-Net intends to strengthen the positive effects of activities to transfer “live lessons” synergistically and thus to contribute to:
Raising people’s awareness of and motivation towards disaster risk reduction worldwide, through promoting cooperation among its members in learning from each other through sharing live experiences and lessons learned in times of disaster, and developing good techniques and methodologies of relaying and transferring such information.
Raising awareness of a collective international voice on the importance and effectiveness of transferring live lessons.
Assisting newly-emerging initiatives as well as supporting members with similar objectives of transferring live lessons.
3. Activities
TeLL-Net activities are basically information sharing and dissemination, such as:
- Collection and compilation of experiences and knowledge of disasters, in other words, of "Live Lessons."
- Dissemination of various information and knowledge through our website, bulletins, films, publications, etc.
- Regular meetings for mutual learning and discussion.
- Participation in international conferences to appeal to the international community regarding the importance of transferring live lessons of disasters where possible.
Dispatch of international missions to disaster-hit areas where needed, to collect information about live experiences and lessons learned in times of disaster, if possible, and to provide advice on the importance and effectiveness of transferring live lessons and relevant methodologies.
4. Membership
< Members>
Without racial, gender, or national prejudice, membership in TeLL-Net is open to:
Those who run museum exhibitions concerning past disasters with recognition of the importance of relaying and transferring live experiences and lessons of past disasters to those who have not experienced disasters (future generations in particular), from the viewpoints of disaster victims.
Those who practice or intend to practice the same activities in various other educational means, other than museum exhibitions, such as films, picture books, music, local festivals, etc.
Those who are not necessarily involved directly in transfer live lessons activities, but share in the spirit of TeLL-Net and intend to provide various types of support to such activities.
5. Financial Resources
The financial resources of TeLL-Net depend on various types of contributions and subsidies from those who support the ideas and programs of TeLL-Net.
Members and supporters are invited to make various efforts to mobilizie funds where possible.
Membership fees are not being collected for the time being. The Secretariat will try to develop a realistic and economical mechanism for collecting fees from different parts of the world. Any voluntary contributions from them are welcome.
6. Secretariat
The Secretariat of TeLL-Net is located in Disaster Reduction and
Human Renovation Institution (DRI).
The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary. The Secretary can designate a Deputy Secretary.
DRI assumes responsibility for the administrative management of the Secretariat. The Secretary may ask TeLL-Net Members and Supporters to assist the Secretariat in exercising TeLL-Net activities where necessary
7. General Meetings
General Meetings are called by the Secretary.
The chairmanship of General Meetings is held by the Secretary.
8. Miscellaneous
This Constitution will be reviewed and updated as necessary in the course of TeLL-Net activities.