As of March 9, 2010 (to be updated based on any addition and modification)
March 20th, 2010 (13:00-17:30)
(Place: Yomiuri Kobe Hall)
Symposium "Thinking about the Live Lesson Telling of Disasters"
Remarks by the Guests (13:00 - 13:30)
Tripartite Talks "Thinking about the Telling Live Lessons from Disasters" (13:30-15:00)
- KAWATA Yoshiaki (Executive Director of DRI / Trustee and Professor of Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering, Kansai University)
- USUI Makoto (Teacher, Meishin Elementary School, Kobe; engaged in Telling Live Lessons through music)
- THIN AYE AYE KO (Director, Thin Myanmar Language Center)
Music: "In Hope of Delivering Happiness" (15:00-)
Panel Discussion (15:30-17:30)
- HAYASHI Isao (Chairman of the Implementation Committee, Associate Professor of National Museum of Ethnology)
- YAMAMOTO Kenichi (Deputy Executive Director, DRI
- Donna SAIKI (Executive Director, The Pacific Tsunami Museum)
- Muhammad Saidur RAHMAN (Director, Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre)
- SAKATO Masaru (Special Assistant to the President, The Japan Foundation)
- KAN Feng Min (Special Advisor of the Special Representative of the Secretary- General of the United Nations for Disaster Risk Reduction)
March 21st, 2010 (9:30-18:30)
(Place: JICA Hyogo)
Reports and Discussions from around the World
Briefing Room |
Seminer Room 1+2 |
9:30-12:00 |
Session 1: Telling Live Lessons and Museums (1) |
Session 2: Telling Live Lessons as Disaster Prevention and Mitigation |
(Break) |
(Break) |
12:30-13:00 |
Special Session: Reports from Haiti and Chile |
13:00-15:30 |
Session 3: Telling Live Lessons and Media |
Session 4: Telling Live Lessons and Museums (2) |
(Break) |
(Break) |
16:00-18:30 |
Session 5: Telling Live Lessons as Exchange |
Session 6: Telling Live Lessons and Museums (3) |
Session 1: |
9:30-12:00 (JICA Hyogo Briefing Room) |
Telling Live Lessons and Museums (1) |
Envisioning the role of museums in preserving and disseminating the real live stories and lessons from the experiences of disaster response, recovery and reconstruction in the aftermath of tsunamis and floods. |
Coordinator: |
TATSUKI Shigeo (Professor, Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University)
Marie-Paule JUNGBLUT (President, International Committee for Museums and Collections of Archaeology and History)
Donna SAIKI (Executive Director, The Pacific Tsunami Museum)
"Telling Stories - Saving Lives" (Hawaii Tsunami: 1946, 1960)
MARUYAMA Atsushi (Director, The Maison of the Fire of Rice Straw Piles)
"The spirit and disaster reduction measures learned from HAMAGUCHI Goryo" (Ansei-Nankai Earthquake and Tsunami: 1854)
TAKEDA Akira (Director for General Affairs, Okushiri Town)
"Report of Okushiri Tsunami Museum's activities: The threats of Tsunami, telling to the children of the future" (Hokkaido South-West Offshore Earthquake and Tsumi: 1993)
David SATTLER (Director, International Tsunami Museum; Professor, Western Washington University)
"International Tsunami Museum, Khao Lak, Thailand" (Indian Tsunami: 2004)
RAHMADHANI (Director of Ache Tourism Promotion, Marketing Department Aceh Tourism and Culture Agency)
"Telling Live Lessons and Ache Tsunami Museum" (Indian Ocean Tsunami: 2004)
Ria GELUK (Coordinator, Watersnoodmuseum)
"Watersnoodmuseum: remember, learn and look ahead" (Storm and Tidal Surge in Zeeland (The Netherlands): 1953)
Telwatta Tsunami Photo Museum, Sri Lanka is to be also presented (Indian Ocean Tsunami: 2004)
Karen T. LEATHEM (Museum Historian, Louisiana State Museum)
"Living with Hurricanes: Katrina and Beyond-An Exhibition" (Hurricane Katrina: 2005)
Session 2: |
9:30-12:00 (JICA Hyogo Seminar Room 1+2) |
Telling Live Lessons as Disaster Prevention and Mitigation |
Exchanging opinions and outlooks to consider the role of Telling Live Lessons in disaster prevention and mitigation as well as further development of human society. |
Coordinator: |
MAKI Norio (Associate Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Richard EISNER (Visiting Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Muhammad Saidur RAHMAN (Director, Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre)
"Telling Live Lessons of Disasters in Bangladesh: The Declining Trend"
Amod Mani DIXIT (Executive Director, National Society for Earthquake Technology - Nepala (NSET)
(To be confirmed)
Farokh PARSIZADEH (Faculty Member, Disaster Management Department, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES))
"Needs assessment of Bam stricken - people during the first 30 months of earthquake" (Bam Earthquake: 2003)
GU Linsheng (Center of Public Safety Planning and Research, Beijing Tsinghua Urban Planning and Design Institute)
"An attempt of disaster reduction education in China - Case study of Disaster Reduction and Safety in Beijing"
Djillali BENOUAR (Professor and Consultant, Director, Built Environment Research Laboratory (LBE), University of Bab Ezzouar (USTHB), Faculty of Civil Engineering)
"Using Telling Live Lessons in preventive education and training for disaster risk reduction: Algerian experience" (Bumerdes Earthquake: 2003)
SAKAMOTO Mayumi (Research Center for Disaster Reduction Systems, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University)
"Disaster Recovery and Disaster Memory Transfer - Cases of Japan and Turkey"
SADAIKE Yuki (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
"As a victim, and then as a researcher, and further as a story-teller"
Special Session: |
12:30-13:00 (JICA Hyogo Briefing Room) |
Reports form Haiti and Chile |
Speaker: (To be confirmed)
Session 3: |
13:00 -15:30 (JICA Hyogo Briefing Room) |
Telling Live Lessons and Media |
Reflecting on the significance and responsibility of mass media in implementing and or promoting Telling Live Lessons activities. |
Coordinator: |
YASUTOMI Makoto (Senior Editor, The Yomiuri Simbun)
Farokh PARSIZADEH (Faculty Member, Disaster Management Department, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES))
Jed HORNE (Journalist and Author)
"Media and myth: Searching for the truth about Katrina" (Hurricane Katrina: 2005)
Suvendrini KAKUCHI (Journalist; Country Representative, PANOS South Asia, Sri Lanka office)
"Community-based Alternative Disaster Management" (Indian Ocean Tsunami: 2004)
SUMIDA Kouichi (Announcer of NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation))
ISOBE Yasuko (Kobe Shimbun)
AKUZAWA Etsuko (Asahi Shimbun Osaka headquarters)
NODA Takeshi (Mainichi Shimbun Osaka headquarters)
SUGIMURA Nanako (Sankei Shimbun Osaka headquarters)
MORIKAWA Akiko (Yomiuri Shimbun Osaka headquarters)
UOZUMI Yuki (MBS Radio "Network 1.17" Personality)
HIBINO Junichi (Representative of Radio Station FMYY)
Session 4: |
13:00-15:30 (JICA Hyogo Seminar Room 1+2) |
Telling Live Lessons and Museums (2) |
Envisioning the role of museums in preserving and disseminating the real live stories and lessons from the experiences of disaster response, recovery and reconstruction in the aftermath of earthquakes and volcano eruptions. |
Coordinator: |
FUKASAWA Yoshinobu (Counselor, Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication
Alessandro PASUTO (Research Director, Italian National Research Council, Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection)
YAMAMOTO Kenichi (Deputy Executive Director, DRI)
"Activities of Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution" (Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake: 1995)
LIU Huabin (Director, Division Technology and Standardization, Museum and Social Heritage Department, State Administration of Cultural Heritage)
"Wenchuan Earthquake Site Museum" (Wenchuan Earthquake: 2008)
Richard BRANDI (President and Member of the Board of Directors, Western Neighborhoods Project)
"Preservation of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Refugee Shack"
Bilge DIKMEN (Urban Planner, Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality, Planning and Project Department)
"17 August 1999" (Marmara Earthquake: 1999)
Giovanni TOSATTI (Senior Researcher, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
"Lessons learnt from the Stava valley disaster of July 19th 1985" (Failure of tailing dams: 1985)
MIMATSU Sabro (Curator, Mimatsu Masao Memorial Museum)
"Role of Those Living at the Foot of the Volcano `Handling down the Wisdom to the Next Generation`" (Mt. Usu Eruption: 1910, 1944, 1977, 2000)
KAWAMOTO Fujio (Director, Mt. Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall)
"The role of a museum passed down to posterity about volcanic disasters on the Mt.Unzen" (Mt. Unzen Eruption: 1991)
Session 5: |
16:00-18:30 (JICA Hyogo Briefing Room) |
Telling Live Lessons as Exchange |
Considering the current state and future objectives of the transmission of real live stories and lessons across generations and regions. |
Coordinator: |
Tamiyo KONDO (Associate Professor of Kobe University)
RYAO Jia-Zhan (President, Homeland Foundation)
THIN AYE AYE KO (Director, Thin Myanmar Language Center)
"Assistance in reconstruction and improvement in education environment after cyclone in Myanmar"
NAGATA Hirokazu (Plus Arts, a non-profit organization)
"'Iza! Kaeru' Caravan ( fun 'N' learn approach in Yogyakarta)"
IKAPUTRA (Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University)
"Jogjakarta / Kobe (disaster response drill involving children and teachers)"
Charles ALLEN (Board Chair and Director, Holy Cross Neighborhood Association)
"Industry, Agriculture, Treasure and Abundance: The Need for Sustainable Communities and the Lower 9th Ward Model"
KAWAI Setsuji (Secretary, NODA-KITA FURUSATO Net)
YOSHITSUBAKI Masamichi (CODE (Citizens towards Overseas Disaster Emergency))
"Be close to the people in devastated area with great respect to their lives"
Session 6: |
16:00-18:30 (JICA Hyogo Seminar Room 1+2) |
Telling Live Lessons and Museums (3) |
Envisioning the role of museums in preserving and disseminating the real live stories and lessons from the experiences of disaster response, recovery and reconstruction in the aftermath of earthquakes and volcano eruptions. |
Coordinator: |
Kenneth C. TOPPING (Lecturer and Project Director, 2010 State of California Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, California Polytechnic State University)
FUNAKI Nobue (Lecturer, Kobe Gakuin University)
WU Der-Chyi (Director, 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan)
Mikayel G. MELKUMYAN (President, Armenian Association for Earthquake Engineering; Research Professor, American University of Armenia)
"Museum and Permanently Acting Exhibition in Armenia Dedicated to the 1988 Spitak Earthquake"
SEKI Toshiai (Teacher, Higashi Elementary School, Tsumakoi Village, Gunma Prefecture; Ex Specialist, Berried Cultural Properties Research Agency)
"The initatives in Kambara area, Tsumakoi Village, and other mud flow stricken areas - Mt. Asama Eruption Disaster in 1783|"
Luis Roberto Hernandez Osegueda (General Manager, Santa Tecla Municipality)
"Municipal policies for disaster risk reduction: Historical memory" (El Salvador Earthquake: 2001)
SUGIMOTO Shin'ichi (Director, Unzen Volcanic Area Geopark Promoting Office)
"Telling Live Lessons of volcanic eruption disaster of Mt. Unzen-Fugen" (Volcanic Eruption of Unzen-Fugen: 1991)
March 22nd, 2010 (9:00-12:30)
(Place: JICA Hyogo Briefing Room)
Examining the results of the sessions and possibility of further development.
Coordinator: |
KOBAYASHI Ikuo (Vice Chairman of the Implementation Committee) |
Coordinators of sessions 1 - 6 to report the results of the discussion
NAMEKI Kei (TeLL-Net Secretariat; Associate Professor of Kobe Yamate University)
"Development of Telling Live Lessons Portal Site"
Comment: |
Marie-Paule JUNGBLUT (President, International Committee for Museums and Collections of Archaeology and History)
HAYASHI Haruo (Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Conclusion HAYASHI Isao (Chairman of the Implementation Committee)
Closing Remarks